Cecconi, E. (2023). News-reporting and ideology in 17th-century English murder pamphlets. From paratext to text. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-9325-1

Ciambella, F. (forthcoming). Teaching English as a Second Language with Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press.

Palumbo, G., Peruzzo, K. & Pontrandolfo, G. (Eds.) (2023). What’s Special about Specialised Translation? Essays in Honour of Federica Scarpa. Peter Lang.

Rovelli, G. (forthcoming). Popularizing Learned Medicine in Late-17th-century England: The art of physick made plain and easie. Cambridge Scholars.



Anesa, P., & Engberg, J. (Eds.) (2023). The Digital (R)evolution of Legal Discourse: New Genres, Media, and Linguistic Practices. Mouton De Gruyter.

Catenaccio, P. Milizia, D., Maci, S. (Eds.) (2023) Crisis Discourses. Languages. Cultures Mediations (LCM), 10 (2).

Catenaccio, P. & Peruzzo, K. (Eds.) (forthcoming) Terminology, ideology and discourse. Special issue of Terminology.

Ciambella F. (Ed.) (forthcoming). Taboo Language and (Im)politeness in Early Modern Drama. Unior Press.

Franceschi, D. & Pinnavaia, L. (forth., 2023) New developments in ESP lexicography. International Journal of English Linguistics. Special Issue.

Garzone, G. (2023) (editor, with Francesca Santulli) (Eds.) (2023) International Journal of Language Studies, 17(3) and 17(4), Special issues (Part 1 and Part 2) Metaphor in contemporary communication: Linguistic, semiotic and translational perspectives, July and October.

Grego, K., Vicentini, A., &  Ylanne, V. (Eds.) (2023). Age-Specific Issues. Language, Spaces, Technologies. Bern.

Maci, S.M., Demata, M., Seargent, P. & McGlashan, M. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. Routledge.

Maci, S.M. & McGlashan, M. (Eds.) (forthcoming). New Norms and New Normalities. Approaches to (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Peter Lang.

Mattioda, M.M., Molino, A., Cinato, L. & Cennamo, L. (Eds.) (forthcoming). L’intelligenza artificiale per la traduzione: verso una nuova progettazione didattica?. mediAzioni. Special Issue 2023.

Milizia, D. & Maci, S.M. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Discourse(s) in Challenging Times. Iperstoria. Special issue.

Tessuto, G., Ashcroft, R., & Bhatia, V. K. (Eds.) (2023). Professional discourse across medicine, law and other disciplines. Issues and perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 385

Tessuto, G., Caraglia, M. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Framing Ethics and Plagiarism in Medical Research Writing and Publishing. ()

Zummo, M. & Maci, S.M. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Computer-mediated Communication in Class Fostering Access to Digital Mediascapes. TTMC (Translation and Translaguaging in Multilingual Context) Special Issue 10 (1).



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Abbamonte, L. (forthcoming). Glottodidattica trans-modale/mediale dell’inglese, inclusività e sostenibilità –considerazioni. Quaderni del CIRSIL

Abbamonte, L. (forthcoming). Types of plagiarism in scientific communication and the hazards of the English language – some considerations.In G. Tessuto e M. Caraglia (Eds.), Framing ethics and plagiarism in medical research writing and publishing, Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Abbamonte, L., & Cavaliere F. (forthcoming). Addressing the wellbeing of ESL students with special needs in academia – approaches and resources. In C. Pennarola e S. A. Zollo (Eds.), Views of Well-being in Academia: Case Studies and Proposals.

Anesa, P. (2023) Language and Law in the Post-disciplinary Landscape: A Knowledge Communication Perspective. In J. Engberg, A. Fage-Butler & P. Kastberg (Eds.) Perspectives on Knowledge Communication Concepts and Settings. Routledge.

Anesa, P.,  & Deyrich, M.  (2023). Responding to LSP Teacher Needs: Evolving Challenges and New Paradigms.  In M. Chateaureynaud & P. John (Eds.) LSP Teacher Training Summer School: The TRAILs project. Peter Lang.

Anesa, P., & Engberg, J. (2023). Investigating Legal Discourse in the Digital Landscape. In P. Anesa, & J. Engberg (Eds). The Digital (R)evolution of Legal Discourse: New Genres, Media, and Linguistic Practices. Mouton De Gruyter.

Anesa, P., Cowal, J., & Puja K. (forthcoming) Improving the Accessibility of Legal Language through Community Engagement. In K. Luttermann & J. Engberg (Eds.) Popularisierung als Methode der Wissensvermittlung in der Rechtslinguistik. Popularization as a Method of Knowledge Mediation in Legal Linguistics. Lit Verlag (Reihe Rechtslinguistik). Lit Verlag.

Anesa, P., Sherwood, K.,  & Dooge, C.  (2023). Materials Adaptation in LSP: Processes and Techniques. In M. Chateaureynaud & P. John (Eds). LSP Teacher Training Summer School: The TRAILs project. Peter Lang.

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Becerra, G., & Paganoni, M. C. (2023). International Colloquium “Communication in the Age of Technological Challenges”. Journal of International Legal Communication 9(2), 99-101. https://doi.org/10.32612/uw.27201643.2023.9.2.pp.99-101

Bianchi, F. (forthcoming), Once upon a time in Hollywood. Un caso di studio per analizzare la relazione romanzo-film tramite la linguistica dei corpora. In Botta E., Corrizzato S. (Eds.), C’era una volta (uno scrittore) a Hollywood: la scrittura di/e Tarantino. Ombre Corte Edizioni.

Bianchi, F., & Manca, E. (forthcoming), Wine promotion on Facebook. A linguistic comparison of posts by producers from English-speaking countries. In Bondi M. & Cacchiani S. (Eds.), Positioning, point of view and ideology in the digital transformation, Lingue e Linguaggi, Special Issue.

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Bondi, M., & Nocella, J. J. (2023). Variations of polyphony in blogs: The case of the Slow Art Day blog. Language and Dialogue, 13(1), 103-122.

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Bonsignori, V., & Filmer, D. (2023). Formulaic forms of address as (im)politeness markers in Prime Minister’s Questions: Margaret Thatcher versus Theresa May. International Journal of English Linguistics, 13(5), 72–86. https://doi.org/10.5539/ijel.v13n5p72

Bös, B. & Brownlees, N. (in print).  The Language of Newspapers. In M. Kytö & E. Smitterberg (Eds.), New Cambridge History of the English Language, Vol II: Sources, Documentation and Modelling, Cambridge University Press.

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Brownlees, N. & Bös, B. (2023). The evolving language of the press. In N. Brownlees (Editor), The Edinburgh history of the British and Irish press, Vol. 1: Beginnings and consolidation, 1640-1800 (pp. 195–214). Edinburgh University Press.

Brownlees, N. & Finkelstein, D. (2023). Business of the press. In N. Brownlees (Editor), The Edinburgh history of the British and Irish press, Vol. 1: Beginnings and consolidation, 1640-1800 (pp. 28–50). Edinburgh University Press.

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Buonvivere, L. (2023) “‘Te Awa Tupua is a Legal Person’: The Framing of Nature in the Whanganui River Deed of Settlement”, Textus, vol. XXXVI, n. 1, pp. 199-218.

Buonvivere, L. (forth.) “Metaphors of Ecotourism: The Use of Figurative Language in the Promotion of Ecotourism Activities in the Mediterranean”, in E. Ettorre & G. Mion (Eds.), Travellers in the Mediterranean: Linguistic and Cultural Encounters. Bern: Peter Lang.

Burton, G.F, Lazzeretti, C. & Gatti, M.C. (in press). EAP teaching and learning in a multilingual context: challenges and implications. Textus, 36 (3), x-x.

Burton, G.F, Lazzeretti, C. & Gatti, M.C. (in press). EAP teaching and learning in a multilingual context: challenges and implications. Textus, 36 (3), x-x.

Cappelli, G. (2023). New Sun Sea Sex and the Unspoilt Countryside. How the English Language Makes Tourists out of Readers, New revised edition, Pari Publishing.

Cappelli, G. (forth.). The Language of Accessible Adventure Tourism. In I. Durán-Muñoz & E. L. Jiménez-Navarro, Profiling the language of adventure tourism: A corpus-assisted approach, Peter Lang.

Catenaccio, P. (2023) A Model for Understanding and Assessing Semi-Fake Scientific News Reporting. In S. M. Maci, M. Demata, P. Seargeant, M. McGlashan (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation, London: Routledge, pp. 64-78.

Catenaccio, P. (2023) Discursive (de/re)constructions of identity and the age/gender interface: from geriatric pregnancies to midlife motherhood. In Y. Virpi, K. Grego, A. Vicentini. (Eds.) Age-Specific Issues: Language, Spaces, Technologies. Bern: Peter Lang, 113-136.

Catenaccio, P. (forthcoming) Arcadia regained? Moving past the strife with nature in corporate discourse about climate change. Poli-femo. 25.

Catenaccio, P. (forthcoming) Legitimation in contested industries: the role of argumentation. In C. Degano, F. Santulli, D. Renna (Eds.) Persuasion in specialized discourse: a ultidisciplinary perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Catenaccio, P. (forthcoming). Discrimination in organ allocation: addressing implicit bias in decision making through argumentation theory. In G. Tessuto, V. K. Bhatia & R. Ashcroft, R. Professional discourse across disciplines: issues and perspectives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 34-51

Catenaccio, P. Garzone, G., Reisigl, M. (2023). Introduction. Dimensions of Framing: Representation, Cognition, Interaction. Textus 2023, XXXVI (1), 7-24.

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Cavaliere, F. (2023). From Italy to the United States: Reflections on a Fulbright Teaching and Cultural Experience in Pittsburgh. Fulbright Chronicles, 2 (2). https://fulbrightchronicles.com/issues/2-2/fromitalytotheunitedstates/

Cavaliere, F. (forthcoming). Addressing the no-dialect policy in the TV series My Brilliant Friend. In E. Sasso (Ed), AVT and Minority Cultures. Routledge.

Cavaliere, F. (forthcoming). Le colonne d’Ercole della traduzione. Logos.

Cecconi, E. (2023). Crime and Trial Reporting. In N. Brownlees (Ed.), The Edinburgh history of the British and Irish press. Beginnings and consolidation 1640-1800 (vol. 1, pp. 493-510). The Edinburgh University Press. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-the-edinburgh-history-of-the-british-and-irish-press-volume-1.html

Cecconi, E. (2023). Representation of social actors in 17th-century English murder pamphlets: A corpus-assisted discourse study (1600-1674). In R. Vergari, G. Giri & F. Funari (Eds.), Agòn. Dialogo e conflitto nelle lingue, nelle culture e nelle letterature (pp. 47-73). I libri di Emil di Odoya.

Cecconi, E. (2023). The changing semantics of happy and glorious after the English Revolution of 1688: a corpus-assisted discourse study. MediAzioni, vol. 37, 78-99. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1974-4382/16275

Cecconi, E. (forthcoming). British ideologies in the (re)-shaping of the American identity: A corpus-based analysis of the possessive our in American newspapers (1764-1783). In. C. Claridge (Ed.), News with an attitude. Stance and ideologies in the historical press. Benjamins.

Cecconi, E. (forthcoming). Censorship and self-censorship: discourse strategies in anti-governmental English weeklies (1650-1800). In C. Espejo (Ed.), A Cultural History of the Media (1650-1800) (vol.4, pp.). Bloomsbury.

Cecconi, E. (forthcoming). Shaping the reception of trials in the late 17th-century Old Bailey Proceedings: A corpus-assisted discourse study. Textus (AIA30).

Ciambella, F. (2023). “The winding labyrinth of thy strange discourse”: The Italian translations of Sir Thomas More. In A. Caterino, M. Cavecchi & M. Rose (Eds.), Sir Thomas More, from Page to Stage. Emil, 81-103.

Ciambella, F. (2023). Insulting (in) The Country Wife: A pragmatic analysis of insults and swearwords. Skenè: Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies, 9(2), 63-84.

Ciambella, F. (Ed.) (2023). Shakespeare and the Mediterranean: The Tempest. Skenè Text and Studies. https://doi.org/10.13136/TS.80.

Ciambella, F. (Ed.) (forthcoming). Status Quaestionis, 25 (Old Language(s), New Technologies: Corpus Linguistics and European Languages in the Renaissance, 1400s-1600s).

Ciambella, F. (forthcoming). “O woman, scurvie woman, beastly woman”: Taboo language, impoliteness, and gender issues in Fletcher’s Bonduca. In F. Ciambella (Ed.), Taboo Language and (Im)politeness in Early Modern English Drama. Unior Press.

Ciambella, F. (forthcoming). A corpus-based analysis of the Song of Songs’ early modern English translations (1526-1611). In C. Caporicci (Ed.), The Song of Songs in European Poetry (13th-17th Centuries) Translations, Appropriations, Rewritings. Brepols.

Ciambella, F. (forthcoming). A Corpus-driven analysis of the early modern English recipe manuscripts at the Folger Shakespeare Library: Zooming in on morphosyntax and pragmatic interfaces. Status Quaestionis, 25 (Old Language(s), New Technologies: Corpus Linguistics and European Languages in the Renaissance, 1400s-1600s).

Ciambella, F. (forthcoming). Introduction. Old language(s), new technologies: Corpus linguistics and European languages in the Renaissance, 1400s-1600s. Status Quaestionis, 25 (Old Language(s), New Technologies: Corpus Linguistics and European Languages in the Renaissance, 1400s-1600s).

Ciambella, F. (forthcoming). Introduction. Taboo language and (im)politeness in early modern English drama. In F. Ciambella (Ed.), Taboo Language and (Im)politeness in Early Modern English Drama. Unior Press.

Consonni, S. (forthcoming 2024). How True is Scientific Discourse? A Comparative Study of Epistemicity in On-Page and On-Screen Media. In J. Albrespit, C. Lacassain & T. Simpson (Eds.) Le possible et le necessaire. John Benjamins.

Consonni, S. (forthcoming 2024). In Pursuit of Euphoria: The Discursive Construction of Well-Being in Digital Communication. In S. M. Maci, M. Sala & C. Spinzi (Eds.) Analysing (Digital) Discourse in Times of Crisis. Peter Lang.

Consonni, S., & Sala, M. (2023). Towards a Heuristic Typology of Frames Qua Frames: Operationalising Frame Analysis across Domains, Media and Modes. Textus (1), 25-49.

Corrizzato S. (forthcoming) “Tu non hai alcuna idea di cosa vuol dire essere un nero e dover affrontare l’America”: gli afroamericani nella sceneggiatura tarantiniana e il doppiaggio italiano. In S. Corrizzato & E. Botta (Eds.) C’era una volta (uno scrittore) a Hollywood: la riscrittura di/e Tarantino, Ombre Corte.

Corrizzato S. (forthcoming), Made in Italy promotion and evaluative adjectives: the attributive constructions of culturally-bound images. In L. Gajo & G. Tallarico (Eds.) Le plurilinguisme au travail: méthodes, pratiques, formation / Multilingualism at work: methods, practices, teaching, Peter Lang.

Corrizzato, S., V. Franceschi & A. Taronna (forthcoming), Digital Humanities e didattica della lingua straniera: riflessioni ed esperienze tra atenei a confronto. In C. Cavallini (Ed.) Atti del Convegno Internazionale “Informatica umanistica, Digital Humanities: quale modernità?”, CIRM.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (2023). Chapter 10. Analysing humour across ESP genres and discourse domains : an exploratory corpus-assisted analysis. In S. Isani & M. Van der Yeught (Eds.). English for Specific Purposes and humour (pp. 249-274). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (2023). Corpora and listening comprehension. In R. R. Jablonkai & E. Csomay (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of corpora in English language teaching and learning (pp. 248-263). Routledge.Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming). Discourse and interaction: Quantitative methods, In C. Chapelle (Gen. Ed.) The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming). A multimodal analysis of phrasal verbs in OpenCourseWare lectures: Insights for listening comprehension in English language teaching . In M. Querol- Julián & V. F. Lim (Eds.) Designing learning with digital technologies: perspectives from multimodality in education. Routledge.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming). An exploratory analysis of hyphenated phrasal expressions in English vs. Italian fashion writing. Special Issue of Status Quaestionis.

D’Angelo, L. (forthcoming 2024). Multimodality in LSP. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed), Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics 2nd Edition. Wiley

D’Angelo, L., & Marino, F. (2023). Multimodal analysis. In Conducting Genre-Based Research in Applied Linguistics (pp. 172-196). Routledge.

Diani, G. (2023). Stance features in legal blogging. In P. Anesa & J. Engberg (Eds.), The digital (r)evolution of legal discourse: New genres, media, and linguistic practices (pp. 67-84). De Gruyter Mouton.

Diani, G. (2023). On the metadiscursive dimension of travel blog posts: A cross-linguistic analysis. In B. Bellés-Fortuño, L. Bellés-Calvera & A-I. Martínez-Hernández (Eds.), New trends on metadiscourse: An analysis of online and textual genres (pp. 223-244). Palgrave Macmillan.

Diani, G. (forthcoming, 2023). Disseminating legal information on online law forums in English and Italian. Ibérica 46.

Diani, G. (forthcoming, 2023). Grammar and institutional discourse. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd ed.)

Diani, G. (forthcoming, 2023). Research article abstracts in English and Italian: Generic and cross-linguistic variation over the last 20 years. Token. A Journal of English Linguistics.

Diani, G. & M. Freddi (forthcoming, 2024). Authorial stance and identity building in weblogs by law scholars and scientists. In R. Plo-Alastrué & I. Corona (Eds.), Digital scientific communication: Identity and visibility in research dissemination. Palgrave Macmillan.

Diani, G. & I. Iori (forthcoming, 2024). Environmental communication and metaphors: The case of Italian blogs. Quaderni del CIRM – Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulle Metafore, 4.

Di Ferrante, L. (forthcoming). How passive voice gets affected by popularization. A quantitative analysis of scientific research articles and university press releases. Status Quaestionis.

Di Ferrante, L. (forthcoming). Umorismo. In Dizionario dell’italiano L2. Pacini.

Di Ferrante, L. (under review). (Re)presenting science in research articles and press releases: a contrastive analysis of titles and headlines. Iperstoria.

Dossena, M. (2023). “Farewell to the Highlands”: or, How Broadsides Contributed to Early Images of the Scottish Diaspora. In N. Brownlees (Ed.), The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Vol. 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640-1800. Edinburgh University Press.

Dossena, M. (forthcoming), Rooted in Myth? Scotland’s Languages in 19th-century North American Journals. In C. Elsweiler et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of The 13th International Conference of the Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster. FRLSU.

Dossena, M. (forthcoming). “You Yes Yet?” Il lessico dell’indipendentismo nella Scozia contemporanea. In A. Torre & M. Dicosola (a cura di) Il lessico dei separatismi dalla semantica alla retorica. Maggioli.

Dossena, M. (forthcoming). James Buchanan. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.

Dossena, M. (forthcoming). La narrazione di un’epopea culturale: il caso di Sequoyah (ca. 1776-1843). In M. Sioli (a cura di) Creare il passato. I musei storici americani tra memoria e edutainment. Franco Angeli.

Dossena, M. (forthcoming). Networks, Coalitions and Language Change. In J.C. Beal (Ed.) New Cambridge History of the English Language. Volume III:  Change, Transmission and Ideology. Cambridge University Press.

Dressler, W. U., E. Mattiello, & V. Ritt-Benmimoun (forth.) Morphological richness and priority of pragmatics over semantics in Italian, Arabic, German, and English diminutives. In S. Manova, L. Grestenberger & K. Korecky-Kröll (Eds.), Diminutives across Languages, Theoretical Frameworks and Linguistic Domains (pp. 335-361). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Dressler, W. U., V. Hannesschläger, D. Kunisch, E. Mattiello, & B. Tumfart (forth.) A comparison of occasionalistic compounds of Joseph von Eichendorff, Johann Nepomuk Nestroy, Peter Handke and James Joyce. Literatur und Linguistik.

Facchinetti, R. (forthcoming). Oppositional discourse in the digital transformation: A contrastive analysis between face-to-face and video-mediated interviews in English. Lingue e Linguaggi 58, Special issue ed. by M. Bondi and S. Cacchiani. Positioning, point of view and ideology in the digital transformation.

Facchinetti, R. (forthcoming). Striking a balance between norms of impartiality and subjectivity in broadcast interviews: A case study. Token, Special issue ed. by Christina Samson and Elisabetta Cecconi.

Filmer, D., & G. Vignozzi (2023). Don’t Call me Woke! Tracing the Pragmatic and Emotive Trajectory of the Word of Our Era, I-LanD Journal – Identity, Language, Diversity https://www.loffredoeditore.com/it/component/virtuemart/articolo/i-land-anno-2021-fascicolo-1-don-t-call-me-woke-tracing-the-pragmatic-and-emotive-trajectory-of-the-word-of-our-era-detail?Itemid=0 

Franceschi, D. & Pinnavaia, L. (forth., 2023) Introduction. In D. Franceschi & L. Pinnavaia (Eds.), New developments in ESP lexicography. International Journal of English Linguistics. Special Issue.

Franceschi, D. (forth., 2023) “The challenges of creating a bilingual (English-Italian) dictionary of sports and games terminology”. In D. Franceschi & L. Pinnavaia (Eds.), New developments in ESP lexicography. International Journal of English Linguistics. Special Issue.

Franceschi, D. (forth., 2023) From the reflexive to the middle construction: what is ‘in-between’? A comparison between English and Italian. In: Baicchi, A. & Broccias, C., Constructional and Cognitive Explorations of Contrastive Linguistics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Franceschi, D. (forth., 2024) Encoding near-synonym relations in monolingual English learner’s dictionaries: the case of Germanic and Latinate ‘equivalents’. Dictionaries: The Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America.

Franceschi, V. (accepted), Disalignment in the EU: disagreement and face threats in international European Committee debates. Journal of Language & Politics.

Franceschi, V., & V. Romanzi (forthcoming), Parental androids: an analysis of non-normative care discourse in contemporary televised science fiction, Iperstoria 22.

Franceschi, V., S. Cavalieri & S. Corrizzato (forthcoming), On the verge between ancient and modern times: a linguistic analysis of urban exploration practices, Lingue e Linguaggi.

Garzone, G. (2023) Communicating for peace across languages and cultures. Lingue e linguaggi per la pace I, Numero monografico di Poli-femo, 25, pp. 25-41.

Garzone, G. (2023) Metaphor and Disease in the Media. In Girolamo Tessuto / Richard Ashcroft and Vijay K. Bhatia (eds.), Professional Discourse across Medicine, Law, and Other Disciplines: Issues and Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 47-69.

Garzone, G. (2023) Translating metaphors in simultaneous interpreting: The case of US inaugural addresses. International Journal of Language Studies, 17(3), Special issue Metaphor in contemporary communication: Linguistic, semiotic and translational perspectives (Part 1), pp. 79-102.

Garzone, G. and Re, Anna (2023) Lingue e linguaggi per la pace: un’introduzione. Lingue e linguaggi per la pace I, Numero monografico di Poli-femo, 25, pp.VII-XV.

Garzone, G. and Re, Anna (a cura di) (2023) Lingue e linguaggi per la pace I. Numero monografico di Poli-femo, 25, pp. VII-XV.

Garzone, G.  and Santulli, F. (Eds.) (2023) Editorial. International Journal of Language Studies, 17(3), Special issue Metaphor in contemporary communication: Linguistic, semiotic and translational perspectives (Parts 1 and 2), pp. 1-8.

Gatti, M.C., Lazzeretti, C. & Vitali, F. (in press). Digital Tourism Communication in the Pandemic: the Case of South Tyrol. Lingue Culture Mediazioni, 10(2).

Giglioni, C. & Patat, E. (forthcoming). A comparative study of image-text relations in Big Pharma’s Codes of Ethics. Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 15 (1).

Giordano W., Mandenaki K. (2023) Framing the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis in Financial Discourse. A Sentence Embeddings Approach, Textus, vol. XXXVI (1). 331-354.

Giordano, W. and Ammendola, E. (2023) Scripting the Communication Strategy for Mineral Water Advertising in the USA: a Multimodal Textual Analysis. Iperstoria, 21. 380-411.

Grego, K. (2023). Old, female and COVID-19+: issues of age and gender in the midst of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In M. Rasulo & J. Engberg (Eds.), The Emotional Valence of Innovation and Change: Discourses of Societal Transformation. Special Issue of I-LAND Journal 2022:1(2023), 78-94.

Hartle S. (forthcoming) Classroom Practices in EMI: Reflections from the Field.  In A. Karakas & Y. Kirkgöz (Eds.), Teacher Professional Development Programs in EMI Settings: International Perspectives. Springer

Hartle, S. & Andreolli G. (forthcoming)  Comparing Teacher and Learner Perceptions of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT): A Qualitative Study of Interviews. (Class A Journal)  Iperstoria

Hartle, S. (2023) “Exploring collocations in the Corpus of Contemporary American English.” In: V. Viana (Ed.), Teaching English with Corpora. Routledge.

Hartle, S. (2023) “Integrating the Formative and Summative Post Covid-19 in a Blended Learning Approach to Higher Educational Assessment” (Class A Journal)  Iperstoria 21, 190-216.

Hartle, S. (2023) Listening to lessons learned from lockdown: catering for the insights of individual participant voices analyzed particularly through poetic inquiry. LEND Rivista Lingua e Nuova Didattica. (Class A Journal) 4, 7–18.

Hartle, S. (2023) Motivation: the value of investing in your own teaching process? Modern English Teacher  32 (1), 59-63.

Hartle, S.  (forthcoming) From learner corpus to data-driven learning (DDL):   Improving lexical usage in academic writing. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 

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Incelli, E. (forthcoming). Communicating uncertainty: how linguistic markers affect transparency and trust in clinical study reports. (Journal/volume to be defined).

Irsara, M. (2023). English and other languages in a plurilingual pedagogical approach: A case study from northern Italy. Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 50 (1), 119-140.

Irsara, M. (forthcoming). Paths in Jonathan Livingston Seagull: A contrastive analysis of phrasal patterns in English, Italian, and Ladin. In M. C. Gatti & J. Hoffmann (Eds.), Exploring storytelling in education and language research. Peter Lang.

Irsara, M., Lazzeretti, C. & Gatti M.C. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities of Globalised English Language Education. A Case Study of Trentino-South Tyrol. Iperstoria, 21(1), 49-66. https://doi.org/10.13136/2281-4582/2023.i21.1268

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Lazzeretti, C. & Gatti, M.C. (2023). Dialogic Interaction between Player and Non-Player Characters in Animal Crossing: a Corpus-based Approach. Language and Dialogue. https://doi.org/10.1075/ld.00136.laz.

Lazzeretti, C. & Gatti, M.C. (2023). English in Museum Communication: the case of multilingual South Tyrol. ESP across Cultures, 19. http://dx.doi.org/10.4475/0208_5

Lazzeretti, C. & Pastore, G. (in press). “Yes, we are open!” How Museums of South-Tyrol are Dealing with Covid-19 Communication. In Stefania M. Maci & Mark McGlashan (eds), New norms and normalities in times of crises. A discourse analysis approach, Peter Lang (ISBN pending).

Lazzeretti, C. (2023). Exploring the Use of Emoji in Museum Social Network Sites. Discourse, Context & Media. 53, 100697. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2023.100697.

Lazzeretti, C. (2023). Self-oriented or visitor-oriented? The spatial, representational and ideological situatedness of museums on line. Lingue & Linguaggi, 56, 223-237 – DOI 10.1285/i22390359v56p223

Lazzeretti, C. (in press). Language, narrative and structure of storytelling in museum communication: a diachronic approach. Token. A journal of English Linguistics, 16.

Leonardi, V., & Giampieri, P. (forthcoming). A Corpus-Based Translation Analysis of an Employment Contract. Comparative Legilinguistics.

Lopriore, L. (2023) Content and Language Integrated Learning in Pre-primary Education: Moving Towards Developmentally Appropriate Practices. In Otto, A. & B. Cortina-Perez (Eds.). Handbook of CLIL in Pre-primary Education. Springer: Cham, Switzerland, pp. 17-28.

Lopriore, L. (2023) Revisiting language teacher education in an ELF aware perspective: responses to innovations. JELF (Journal of English as a Lingua Franca), pp.1-24.

Lopriore, L. & Sperti, S. (forth.) Language teacher education in an ELF aware perspective: Challenges and responses in emerging communities of practice. In Dalton-Puffer, C. et al. (Eds.) Current Challenges in Language Teacher Education, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Maci, S.M. & Abbiate, S. “It’s never about #ProLife, it’s about punishment, hate, and religious repression.”  Polarising Discourses and Disinformation in the Abortion Debate on Twitter. In S.M. Maci, M. Demata, P. Seargent & M. McGlashan (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. Routledge.

Maci, S.M. & McGlashan, M. (forthcoming). Introduction. In S.M. Maci & M. McGlashan (Eds.) New Norms and New Normalities. Approaches to (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Peter Lang.

Maci, S.M. (ed) (forthcoming). Introduction. In S.M. Maci, (ed) Forthcoming. LSP Teacher Professional Development: Challenges in the Post-pandemic Era. Special issue of Scripta Manent.

Maci, S.M. (forthcoming) “stop . mansplaining . my . rights . to . me .” #mansplaining on Twitter. A pilot study. In Vigo, F. & Venuti, M. (eds.) Forthcoming. TITLE TO BE DECIDED. Peter Lang.

Maci, S.M., Demata, M., Seargent, P. & McGlashan, M. Introduction: Studying the Discourses of Disinformation. In S.M. Maci, M. Demata, P. Seargent & M. McGlashan (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. Routledge.

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Mapelli, G. (in press). “Mecanismos lingüísticos de la persuasión en las redes sociales. Las cadenas hoteleras en Instagram”, in C. Fuentes Rodríguez (ed.), Pamplona: Editorial Eunsa, 221-243.

Mapelli, G. (in press). La recomendación en los blogs de pediatras españoles, Cuadernos Aispi 22, 57-78.

Mapelli, G., Piccioni, S. (2023) El discurso de los/las pediatras españolas/es en los blogs. Recursos lingüísticos de la comunicación empática y asertiva, in C. Fuentes Rodríguez & E. Brenes (eds.), Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino, Routledge, New York, 165-179

Martini, I. (2023). Conversation Analysis and Frame Analysis Combined: A Proposal to Study the Use of Language in Paediatric Surgical Visits. LEA, vol. 12, pp. 3-18. ISSN: 1824-484X, doi: 10.36253/lea-1824-484x-14499.

Martini, I. (2023). Newsworthiness and emotivity. The language of evaluation in the letters to the editor of The Times on the Armenian Question in 1914-1926. Iperstoria, vol. 21, pp. 433-458. ISSN 2281-4582, doi: 10.13136/2281-4582/2023.i21.1307

Martini, I. (2023). The Armenian Genocide in Letters to the Editor of The Irish Times. Studi Irlandesi, vol. 13, pp. 1-16. ISSN: 2239-3978, doi: 10.36253/SIJIS-2239-3978-14506.

Martini, I. (forthcoming). Language and ideology. The representation of the Armenian Question in Letters to the Editor of The Times (1914-1926). In C. Claridge (Ed.), News with an Attitude: Stance and Ideologies in the Historical Press. Benjamins.

Martini, I. (forthcoming). The Armenian Question between 1914-1926 in Letters to the Editor – The Times. CLAVIER Conference 2021 volume.

Martini, I. (forthcoming). The linguistic representation of the Armenian genocide in Letters to the Editor of The Times (1914-1926). AIA Conference Symposium for Early-Career Researchers – Ragusa, 14 September 2022. Conference volume.

Masi, S. (2023) Humour in TED Talks: A Multimodal Account. ESP Today, 11(2), 328-248. DOI: 10.18485/esptoday.2023.11.2.7.

Mattiello, E. (2023) Formal, semantic and pragmatic motivations for blending in English. In K. Ackerley, E. Castello, F. Dalziel, S. Gesuato, M. T. Musacchio & G. Palumbo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th AIA CONFERENCE Thinking Out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries, Padua, 5-7 September 2019 (pp. 35-53). Padova: Padova University Press.

Mattiello, E. (2023) Metaphor and framing in cognition and discourse: ‘War’ and ‘Journey’ metaphors for COVID-19. Textus, 1, 261-280. Special Issue P. Catenaccio, G. Garzone & M. Reisigl (Eds.), Dimensions of framing: representation, cognition, interaction.

Mattiello, E. (2023) Slang and verbal aggression: A morphopragmatic analysis of the compound families X-ass, X-brain, X-face, and X-head. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 11(1), 101-120. DOI: 10.1075/jlac.00074.mat.

Mattiello, E. (forth.) A contrastive analysis of English deverbal -er synthetic compounds and their Italian equivalents. Languages in Contrast.

Mattiello, E., & W. U. Dressler (forth.) English synthetic compounds in -er and their German and Italian correspondences. Festschrift for Franz Rainer.

Mattiello, E., & W. U. Dressler (forth.) Text and pragmatics in Natural Linguistics. In K. Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, P. J. Donegan & W. U. Dressler (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Natural Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mattioda, M.M., Molino, A., & Cinato, L. (forthcoming). L’intelligenza artificiale per la traduzione: orizzonti, pratiche e percorsi formativi. In M. M. Mattioda, A. Molino, L. Cinato & I. Cennamo (a cura di), L’intelligenza artificiale per la traduzione: verso una nuova progettazione didattica?. mediAzioni. Special Issue 2023.

Mattioda, M.M., Molino, A., Cinato, L. & Cennamo, L. (2023). Promoting multilingualism and inclusiveness in educational settings in the age of AI. In:T. F. Vicenta, E. Monzó-Nebot & R. Castelló-Cogollos (Eds.) Repurposing language rights. Guiding the uses of artificial intelligence. València: Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN: 978-84-11-69046-1.

McLaughlin, M. & Brownlees, N. (2023). Translation and the press. In N. Brownlees (Editor), The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Vol. 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640-1800 (pp. 384–402). Edinburgh University Press.

Milizia, D. & Maci, S.M. (forthcoming). Introduction. In D. Milizia & S.M. Maci (Eds.) Iperstoria. Special issue.

Milizia, D. (2023). “Britain was already cherry-picking from the European cherry-tree without bothering to water the soil or tend to its branches”. A metaphorical study of the UK in Europe. Journal of Language and Politics, 1-24.

Milizia, D. (2023). Climate Change and Global Warming: An American Perspective through the Lenses of Old and New Modes of Communication. Anglistica AION. An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Milizia, D. (2023). Framing the pandemic in the UK and in the US: the war, the science and the herd. Textus I, 283-310.

Milizia, D. (2023). L’Unione europea tra pandemia, nuove crisi e prospettive future. LED.

Milizia, D., & Silletti, A. (2023). Interview to Stanley Johnson. In D. Milizia & A. Silletti (Eds.), L’Unione europea tra pandemia, nuove crisi e prospettive future, pp. 21-31. LED.

Milizia, D., & Silletti, A. (2023). L’Europa e il mondo in un contesto di crisi multiple e multiformi. In D. Milizia & A. Silletti (Eds.), L’Unione europea tra pandemia, nuove crisi e prospettive future, pp. 9-20. LED.

Mocini, R. (2023). A Semantic Journey from Data to Evidence, from Dynamis to Entelécheia. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 10, 1-4. https//doi: 10.19044/llc.v10no2a1.

Mocini, R. (forthcoming). Hovering around quantity, from zero to infinity. Quantifiers in Evidence-based medicine. In M. Freddi (Ed.) Language, Knowledge and Literacy. Views from Within and Around Systemic Functional Linguistics. Equinox.

Mocini, R., & Fenice, A. (2023). The search for values as a didactic tool – an interdisciplinary perspective. In: 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23). Proceedings of the International Conference on Higher Education Advances. València: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 919-927. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16248.

Moschini, I., Cuozzo, G., Bucciarelli, I., Ranieri, M. (forthcoming). Innovative practices of active learning in Higher Education between Media Education and Multimodal Discourse Analysis. An insight from the European Project ‘ICME’. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2023), ISNN 2340-1095

Mottola, F., Abbamonte, L., Ariemma, L., Gnisci, A., Marcone, R., Millefiorini, A., et al. (2023). Construct and criterion validity of the HEXACO Medium School Inventory Extended (MSI-E). PLoS ONE, 18(10): e0292813.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0292813 Construct and criterion validity of the HEXACO Medium School Inventory Extended (MSIE) | PLOS ONE

Nikitina, J. & Montenovo, G. (2023). The changing landscape of healthcare communication in Italy: Perceptions and challenges in language brokering services, Language and Health, 1, 77-85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laheal.2023.07.002

Nikitina, J. (2023). Animated Film Titles: Perspectives on collaborative creation and translation. In G. Sorrentino (Ed.), Echo: Traduzione specialistica, Interpretariato e Creatività: competenze, strumenti, approcci, 9, 81-102. https://doi.org/10.53136/97912218035635

Nikitina, J. (2023). Discursive duelling in international criminal justice: dialogical framing in opening and closing statements at the International Criminal Court, Textus 2023, XXXVI (1), 113-134.

Nikitina, J. (2023). Linguistic markers of participation in international criminal trials. In P. Anesa & J. Engberg (Eds.), The Digital (R)Evolution of Legal Discourse: New Genres, Media, and Linguistic Practices (pp. 97-120). De Gruyter Mouton. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111048789-007

Nikitina, J. (2023). On the definitory crossroads: legal, medical and popularized definitions of (human) gene editing. In K. Ackerley, E. Castello, F. Dalziel, S. Gesuato, M. T. Musacchio & G. Palumbo (Eds.), Thinking out of the box in English linguistics, language teaching, translation and terminology (pp. 309-331). Padova University Press.

Nikitina, J. (forthcoming). Press releases of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers: a critical view on promotion techniques, to appear in Argumentation in Context, John Benjamins.

Paganoni, M. C. (2023 forthcoming). The routes and words of peace-sensitive tourism. Poli-femo. 25.

Paganoni, M. C. (2023). ‘Living with Covid’: Boris Johnson’s communication in post-pandemic times. Textus XXXVI(1), 309-329.

Paganoni, M. C. (2023). Age and ageism in Greta Thunberg’s climate activism. In V. Ylänne, K. Grego & A. Vicentini (Eds.) Age-specific issues: Language, spaces, technologies (pp. 63-84). LINGUISTIC INSIGHTS, volume 298. Peter Lang. DOI: 10.3726/b20398

Palumbo, G., Peruzzo, K. & Pontrandolfo, G. (2023). Federica Scarpa’s research on specialised translation: Notes on, and sketches from, a “special” career. In G. Palumbo, K. Peruzzo & G. Pontrandolfo (Eds.), What’s Special about Specialised Translation? Essays in Honour of Federica Scarpa (pp. 1-21). Peter Lang.

Peruzzo, K. (2023). “Who says talking about depression isn’t fun?” Exploring targets of humour in TED Talks on mental disorders. In S. Isani & M. Van der Yeught (Eds.), English for Specific Purposes and Humour (pp. 225-247). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Peruzzo, K. (2023). Giving evidence in court: Knowledge mediation and emotional involvement in UK Booklets for child and young witnesses. In K. Luttermann & J. Engberg (Eds.),  Popularisierung als Methode der Wissensvermittlung in der Rechtslinguistik / Popularisation as a Method of Knowledge Mediation in Legal Linguistics (Rechtlinguistik, 13; pp. 3-36). LIT Verlag.

Peruzzo, K. & Scarpa, F. (2023). Making national immigration and asylum case law accessible to a non-Italian audience: The role of intra-lingual translation. In P. Anesa & J. Engberg (Eds.), The Digital (R)Evolution of Legal Discourse. New Genres, Media, and Linguistic Practices (pp. 121-142). De Gruyter.

Pontrandolfo, G. (2023), Aspetti testuali nella traduzione della divulgazione scientifica. In A. De Cesare, A. Ferrari, L. Letizia & F. Pecorari (a cura di), Forme della scrittura italiana contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale (pp. 283-300). Franco Cesati.

Quinci, C. & Pontrandolfo, G. (2023), Testing neural machine translation against different levels of specialisation. An exploratory investigation across legal genres and languages. TRANS-KOM, 16(1), 174-209.

Ranieri, M., Moschini, I., & Cuozzo, G. (Forthcoming). Analisi e produzione critica del discorso digitale: un dialogo tra Multimodalità e Media Education nel quadro del progetto europeo ‘ICME’. Proceedings del Convegno SIREM 2023. New literacies – Nuovi linguaggi e nuove competenze.

Rizzo, A. Diaz-Cintas, J. & Spinzi, C. (Eds.) (2023) Audiovisual translation in context Granting access to digital mediascapes. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 9:3. Special Issue.

Rovelli, G. (2023). John Pechey (1654–1718) and the popularization of learned medicine. Journal for Eighteenth-century Studies, 46 (1), 59–73. DOI: 10.1111/1754-0208.12868

Rovelli, G. (2023). Representations of middle age. A corpus linguistic study of The New York Times’s letters to the editor (1990–2019). In K.S. Grego, A. Vicentini & V. Ylänne, Age-specific Issues. Language, Spaces, Technologies (139–161). Peter Lang. DOI: 10.3726/b20398

Rovelli, G. (2023). The circulation of the blood “in a new method plain and easy to all capacities”. Popularization strategies in Henry Nicholson’s A brief treatise of the anatomy of humane bodies. In A. Vicentini & P. Nitti (Eds.), Medical Language and Discourse. Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives (25–38). Franco Cesati Editore.

Rovelli, G. (forthcoming). The adaptation of medical knowledge in late modern English manuscript household books. In G. Brookes, T. McEnery & E. Putland (Eds.), Historical Medical Discourse: Corpus Linguistic Perspectives. Routledge.

Rovelli, G. (forthcoming). Towards a historical corpus of Canadian English letters and diaries. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 16.

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Sala, M. (forthcoming). In Defense of a Good Cause. The Rhetoric of Violence. In S. M. Maci, M. Sala & C. Spinzi (Eds.) Analysing (Digital) Discourse in Times of Crisis. Peter Lang.

Sala, M. (forthcoming). Spiders from Mars. (Re)-configuring Musicians’ Stories through Their Songs. Elephant & Castle. Special Issue: Laboratorio dell’immaginario (30)

Samson, C. (Forthcoming). Inducing sympathies and antipathies. A corpus assisted analysis of letters from the 1857-1858 Indian uprisings in the press. In C. Claridge (Ed.), News with an Attitude: Stance and Ideologies in the Historical Press. Benjamins.

Sandrelli, A., & Bonsignori, V. (forthcoming) Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice from the page to the screen: A diachronic analysis of source texts and Italian translation. In I. Ranzato & L. Valleriani (Eds.), English Classics in Audiovisual Translation. Routledge.

Shvanyukova, P. (2023). Writing History in a Supreme Court Ruling: Evaluative language in the majority opinion concerning Dobbs vs. Jackson. Thematic Section: Evaluation, Argumentation and Narrative(s) in Conflicting Contexts, edited by Polina Shvanyukova & Nickolas Komninos. HERMES – Journal of Language and Communication in Business (63), 19–34.

Shvanyukova, P., & Komninos, N. (2023). Introduction: Evaluation, Argumentation and Narrative(s) in Conflicting Contexts. Thematic Section: Evaluation, Argumentation and Narrative(s) in Conflicting Contexts, edited by Polina Shvanyukova & Nickolas Komninos. HERMES – Journal of Language and Communication in Business, (63), 1–4.

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Sperti, S. (2023) The role of ELF-oriented mediation strategies in cross-cultural communication: new trends in English language and translation teaching. In Ackerley et al. (Eds.) Thinking Out of the Box in English Linguistics, Language Teaching, Translation and Terminology, Padova University Press, pp. 253-273.

Sperti, S. (forth.) Vulnerability in cross-cultural encounters: strategies of hybridization, negotiation and reformulation in mediated spoken interactions in migration contexts. In Special Issue English as a Contact Language for Minority and Vulnerable Groups. MediAzioni.

Sperti, S. (forth., 2023) “Linguacultural representations in specialized migration discourse: a lexicographic perspective”. In D. Franceschi & L. Pinnavaia (Eds.), New developments in ESP lexicography. International Journal of English Linguistics. Special Issue.

Spinzi, C.  & Katan, D. (2023). The battle to intervene: Constrained Advocacy for Community Translators. In E. Gonzalez & D. Amanatidou (Eds.) Routledge Handbook for Community Translation. Routledge.

Spinzi, C. & Katan, D. (2023). C. Towards a history of translation collaborative practices and cooperation. Cultus, 16. Guest-edited by M. Agorni & G. Iamartino.

Spinzi, C. & Rizzo, A. (2023). Authorial (audio) description: Creativity in the transfer of CSRs in Squid Game. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 9:3, 422–453.

Tenca, E., & Hartle, S. (forthcoming) Developing Items to Assess Reading Skills at a B2 level (Class A Journal)  LEND Rivista Lingua e Nuova Didattica.

Tenca, E., Hartle, S, & Andreolli, G. (forthcoming) Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) in online EFL learner discussions: A mixed-methods analysis adopted to investigate a micro-corpus of learner discourse. Corpora and Language in Use Presses universitaires de Louvain.

Tenca, E., Hartle, S., & Piccinin S. (forthcoming) Teaching oral skills in Higher Education.  (HE) language learning : piloting a model for inclusive, accessible English Language Teaching (ELT). Instructed Second Language (ISLA)

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Tsagari, D., Reed, K. & Lopriore, L. (2023). Teacher Beliefs and Practices of Language Assessment in the Context of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF): Insights from a CPD Course. LANGUAGES. Special Issue: Recent Developments in Language Testing and Assessment. 8/58: 1-23.

Tsantila, N. & L. Lopriore (2023), Authenticity in listening: An ELF perspective in the classroom. In  Illés, E. & Y. Bayyurt (Eds.), English as a Lingua Franca in the Language Classroom: Applying Theory to ELT Practice. London: Routledge. Ch.9.

Vicentini, A., Grego, K., Russo, D., Grechi, D., Pasquarè Mariotto, F. & Luraschi, M. (2023). “A.GE.VOL.A.”: facilitare la cura degli anziani e la comunicazione tra famiglie, istituzioni e assistenti famigliari di lingua straniera. Un progetto di ricerca nella provincia di varese. Senago: Albo versorio. ISBN 9791281331211.

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Ylanne, V., Grego, K., & Vicentini, A. (2023). Discourses of ages: representations and reflections. In K. Grego, A. Vicentini & V Ylanne (Eds.), Age-Specific Issues. Language, Spaces, Technologies (pp. 11-18). Bern.

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Zummo, M.L. (2023). Framing diversity in teen drama: Streaming series as a case study for social and discursive constructions. Lingue e Linguaggi, 56, 381-397. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/593678