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Bonsignori, V., Crawford Camiciottoli, B. & Filmer, D. (Eds.) (2022). Analysing multimodality in specialized discourse settings: Innovative research methods and applications. Vernon Press.

Catenaccio, P., & Peruzzo, K. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Terminology, ideology and discourse. Special issue of Terminology.

Catenaccio, P., Degano, C., & Santulli, F. (Eds.) (2022). The Place of Language. Essays in Honour of Giuliana Garzone. Special issue of Lingue & Linguaggi 52.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B., & Fortanet-Gómez (Eds.) (2022). Multimodal approaches in ESP: innovative research and practice. Special issue of Multimodal Communication.

Davis, B., Vicentini, A., & Grego, K. (Eds.) (2022). Seniors, foreign caregivers, families, institutions: Linguistic and multidisciplinary perspectives. Milano: Mimesis.

Garzone, G., Catenaccio, P. & Reisigl, M. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Dimensions of framing: representation, cognition, interaction. TEXTUS n. 1 – 2023 – LANGUAGE ISSUES.

Goźdź-Roszkowski S., & Pontrandolfo, G. (Eds.) (2022). Law, Language and the Courtroom. Legal Linguistics and the Discourse of Judges. Routledge.

Incelli, E. Mocini, R., & Turnbull, J. (Eds.) (2022). The Research-Practice Interface in English for Specific Purposes: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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Lopriore, L., Bayyurt, Y., & Kordia, S. (forthcoming). Developing the ELF-aware teacher: The case of the ENRICH Continuous Professional Development Course. In: Voerkel, P., Ferreira, M. & N. Drescher (Eds.), Tools & Techniques of Reflective Teacher Training. Springer.

Maci, S.M. & Sala, M. (Eds.) (2022). Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities. Research Methods and Applications. Bloomsbury. URL: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/corpus-linguistics-and-translation-tools-for-digital-humanities-9781350275225/

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Bianchi, F., Bruti S., Cappelli G., & Manca E. (forthcoming). Introduction to Popularizing, Disseminating and Rewriting for Young Audiences. Special Issue of Token, 15.

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Catenaccio, P. (2022). A corpus-driven exploration of conspiracy theorising as a discourse type. Lexical indicators of argumentative patterning. In M. Demata, V. Zorzi, & A. Zottola (Eds.) Conspiracy Theory Discourses (pp. 25-48). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Catenaccio, P. (2022). A crisis within the crisis: representations of children’s mental health in the UK press before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 6(1), 161–181. https://doi.org/10.1558/jld.22755

Catenaccio, P. (2022). Digital humanities: An adaptive theory approach. In Maci, S. M., Sala. M. (Eds.) Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities: Research Methods and Applications (pp. 19-35). London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Catenaccio, P. (2022). Discursive (de/re)constructions of identity and the age/gender interface: From geriatric pregnancies to midlife motherhood. In Y. Virpi, K. Grego & A. Vicentini (Eds.) Age-Specific Issues. Language, Spaces, Technologies. Bern: Peter Lang. DOI: 10.3726/b20398.

Catenaccio, P. (2022). Evolving Discursive Constructions of Aging in Social Gerontology Textbooks. A Preliminary Investigation. In B. Davis, A. Vicentini & K. Grego (Eds.) Seniors, foreign caregivers, families, institutions: Linguistic and multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 239-264). Milano: Mimesis. ISBN: 9788869773716.

Catenaccio, P. (2022). Teaching CSR Discourse: A Critical Approach to Business English. In E. Incelli, R. Mocini & J. Turnbull (Eds.) The Research-Practice Interface in English for Specific Purposes: Past, Present and Future (pp. 229-245). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.

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Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming). Analysing humour across ESP genres and discourse domains: An exploratory corpus-assisted analysis. In S. Isani & M. Vanderyeught (Eds.) ESP & humour. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming). Understanding phrasal verbs in academic lectures: Some semantic and pragmatic insights from a corpus-driven analysis. Lingue e Linguaggi.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (2022). Corpora and listening comprehension. In R. R. Jablonkai & E. Csomay (Eds.) The Routledge handbook of corpora in English language teaching and learning (pp. 248-263). Routledge.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (2022). Changing oral financial genres: From earnings conference calls to videocast strategy presentations. Textus (1), 75-94.

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Dossena, M. (Forthcoming 2023). “Farewell to the Highlands”: or, How Broadsides Contributed to Early Images of the Scottish Diaspora. In N. Brownlees (Ed.), The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Vol. 1: Beginnings and Consolidation, 1640-1800. Edinburgh University Press. URL: https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/series-the-edinburgh-history-of-the-british-and-irish-press

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Filmer, D. (forthcoming). Reading the News. A pilot study on Italian students’ understanding of English journalistic texts. Lingue e Linguaggi. Special issue.

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Incelli, E. (2022). A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosody: A Methodological Proposal and a Case Study in ESP. In E. Incelli, R. Mocini & J. Turnbull (Eds.), The Research-Practice Interface in English for Specific Purposes: Past, Present and Future (pp. 29-50). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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Lopriore, L. (2022). Introduction. In: Lopriore, L. (Ed.), Transforming practices for the EFL classroom. Alexandria: TESOL International Association, pp. V-VII.

Lopriore, L. (2022). Promoting an ELF-Aware Approach in the ELT Classroom. In: Lopriore, L. (Ed.) Transforming practices for the EFL classroom. Alexandria: TESOL International Association, pp.123-142.

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Lopriore, L. (forthcoming). Language acquisition in CLIL contexts. In Canton Otto, A.& Cortina, B. (Eds.). Handbook of Content and Language Integrated Learning in Pre-primary Education: Moving Towards Developmentally Appropriate Practices. Springer.

Maci, S.M. (2022). Data triangulation using Sketch Engine and WMatrix: Ketogenic diet on Twitter. In S.M. Maci & M. Sala (Eds.), Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities. Research Methods and Applications. (pp. 81-104) Bloomsbury. URL: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/corpus-linguistics-and-translation-tools-for-digital-humanities-9781350275225/

Maci, S.M. (2022) “Pestilence Is the Enemy We Fly”. Metaphors for the Pandemic in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man. In R. Calzoni, F. Di Blasio & G. Perletti (Eds.), Translation and Interpretation. Practising the Knowledge of Literature (pp.157-166). V&R unipress. URL: https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/detail/index/sArticle/57680

Maci, S.M. (Forthcoming 2022) Framing Narratives of Suffering through Metaphors. In P. Catenaccio, F. Santulli & C. Degano (Eds.), The Place of Language: Discourse, Translation, Culture. Essays in honour to Giuliana Garzone. Special issue of Lingue e Linguaggi, 52. URL: http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/linguelinguaggi/index

Maci, S.M. & Sala, M. (2022). Corpus linguistics and translation tools for digital humanities. An introduction. In S.M. Maci & M. Sala (Eds.), Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities. Research Methods and Applications (pp.1-16). Bloomsbury. URL: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/corpus-linguistics-and-translation-tools-for-digital-humanities-9781350275225/

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Manca, E., & Spinzi, C. (forthcoming). A cross-cultural study of environmental popularization to a young audience in digital spaces. In Bianchi F., Bruti S., Cappelli G. & Manca E. (Eds.) Popularizing, Disseminating and Rewriting for Young Audiences, Special Issue of Token, 15.

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Mapelli, G. (2022). Las cadenas hoteleras españolas en Instagram durante la pandemia: análisis de las estrategias lingüísticas. In M. Galiñanes & L. Devilla (Eds.) Le parole del turismo Aspetti linguistici e letterari (pp. 131-146). Dell’Orso.

Marenzi, I., Bortoluzzi, M., & Bianchi, F. (2022). The LearnWeb project for multiliteracies practices in higher education. In C. Lütge (Ed.) Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Age. Theory and Pedagogy for Developing Literacies (pp. 238-254. Routledge.

Masi, S. (forthcoming). Disseminating knowledge through TED Talks for children. Token.

Masi, S., Vignozzi, G. (forthcoming) On the role of gestures in the comprehension of phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions in english. Lingue e Linguaggi. Special issue.

Mattiello, E. (forthcoming). Underwear as overwear: Spatial particles in English fashion compounds. In A. Baicchi & S. Biscetti (Eds.) The language of fashion: Linguistic, cognitive and cultural Insights. Peter Lang.

Mattiello, E. (forthcoming). Blend recognisability in English as a foreign language: An experiment. Lingue e Linguaggi. Special issue.

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