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Tessuto, G. (2024). English for Medicine: A Toolkit for Discourse and Genre-based Approaches to Medical Language and Communication. Torino: Giappichelli, pp. 152.
Antonucci, B. & Gallitelli, E. (Eds.) (forthcoming 2024). Beyond the Last ‘Post-’. Il turismo e le sfide della contemporaneità. Roma TrE-Press.
Bondi M. & Cacchiani, S. (Eds.) (forthcoming 2024). Language variation: Perspectives on lexis and phraseology. Special issue of Status Quaestionis.
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Bondi M. & Turnbull, J (eds) (forthcoming 2025) Dialogicity in Framing Environmental Discourse. Special Issue of Language and Dialogue
Cavalieri, S. & Mannoni, M. (eds.) (forthcoming 2024). Digital humanities, inclusion, and accessibility in legal language. Special issue of Comparative Legilinguistics.
Crawford Camiciottoli, B., & Denti, O. (forthcoming 2024). Special Issue of ESP Across Cultures, B. Crawford Camiciottoli and O. Denti (Eds.), The construction of transparency in corporate and institutional discourse: insights across domains, genres, and cultures, vol. 21.
Degano, C., Santulli, F., & Renna D. (Eds.) (2024). Persuasion in Specialized Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Gatti, M. C., & Hoffmann, J. (Eds.). (2024). Storytelling as a cultural practice: Pedagogical and linguistic perspectives. Peter Lang.
Maci, S.M. & McGlashan, M. (Eds.) 2024. Special Issue of CADAAD – Proceedings of the 9th Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines conference (Bergamo), vol. 15(2).
Maci, S.M.& McGlashan, M. (Eds.) 2024. New Norms and new Normalities. Approaches to (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Bern: Peter Lang.
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Milizia, D. & Maci, S.M. (Eds.) 2024. Discourse(s) in challenging times. Special Issue of Iperstoria Journal of American and English Studies vol. 23.
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Peruzzo, K. & Catenaccio, P. & (Eds.) (2024) Terminology, Ideology and Discourse. Special issue. Terminology, 30(1).
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Tessuto, G. & Caraglia, M. (Eds.) (2024). Framing Ethics and Plagiarism in Medical Research Writing and Publishing, pp. 104. Nella collana internazionale Medical Discourse and Communication (Direttore G. Tessuto) edita da Cambridge Scholars (UK).
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Bondi, M. & Nocella, J.J. (Forthcoming). Futurity and Risk. A case study of CSR communication in the rail sector. In E. Nervino, W. Feng, & X. Xu (Eds.), Professional Communication in the Digital Age.
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Bondi, M., & Nocella, J.J. (2024). The use of code glosses in MA dissertations in English and in Italian: a pilot study in an EMI context. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 4(1), 73-92.
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Catenaccio, P. (2024). A Model for Understanding and Assessing Semi-Fake Scientific News Reporting.In S. M. Maci, M. Demata, M. McGlashan, P. Seargeant (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. New York: Routledge, pp. 64-78.
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Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (2024). A multimodal analysis of phrasal verbs in OpenCourseWare lectures: Insights for listening comprehension in English language teaching. In M. Querol- Julián & V. F. Lim (Eds.), Designing Learning with Digital Technologies: Perspectives from Multimodality in Education (pp. 143-163). Routledge.
Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming 2024). An exploratory analysis of hyphenated phrasal expressions in English vs. Italian fashion writing. Special Issue of Status Quaestionis, S. Cacchiani & M. Bondi (Eds.)
Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming 2024). Discourse and interaction: Quantitative methods. In C. Chapelle (Gen. Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, 2nd edition. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Crawford Camiciottoli, B. (forthcoming 2024). Exploring the language of transparency: a comparative analysis of the sustainability reports of US vs. Italian fashion brands. Special Issue of ESP Across Cultures. B. Crawford Camiciottoli and O. Denti (Eds.), The construction of transparency in corporate and institutional discourse: insights across domains, genres, and cultures, vol. 21.
Crawford Camiciottoli, B., & Denti, O. (forthcoming 2024). Introduction. Special Issue of ESP Across Cultures, B. Crawford Camiciottoli and O. Denti (Eds.), The construction of transparency in corporate and institutional discourse: insights across domains, genres, and cultures, vol. 21.
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Degano, C. (2024). Reframings of Fake in Art Discourse. In S. M. Maci, M. Demata, M. McGlashan, P. Seargeant (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. New York: Routledge, pp. 342-355.
Degano, C., Santulli, F. and Renna D. (2024). Genres and persuasion. Linguistic and Argumentative Perspectives. In Degano, C., Santulli, F., Renna D. (Eds.) Persuasion in Specialized Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 1-23.
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Diani, G. (forthcoming 2024). Grammar and institutional discourse. In C. Chapelle (Gen. Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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Facchinetti, R. & Cavalieri, S. (2024). Neutrality in news interviews: an open question. Special Issue of ESP Across Cultures (2024). B. Crawford Camiciottoli & O. Denti (Eds.), The construction of transparency in corporate and institutional discourse: insights across domains, genres, and cultures, vol. 21.
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Franceschi, V. (2024). Disalignment in the EU: disagreement and face threats in international European Committee debates. Journal of language & politics 23(2), 219-238. https://doi.org/10.1075/jlp.22031.fra
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Gallitelli, E. (forthcoming 2024). “Roaming in Rome”: a didactic experiment involving the (self-)translation of a classroom podcast into ELF. Testo a fronte, 2023/1(68).
Gallitelli, E. (forthcoming 2024). Ostiense and Esquilino on Two Institutional Tourism Websites. Dominant Framings and Possible Reframings. In B. Antonucci & E. Gallitelli (Eds.), Beyond the Last ‘Post-’. Il turismo e le sfide della contemporaneità (pp. 51-69). Roma TrE-Press.
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Lazzeretti, C., & Pastore, G. (2024). “Yes, we are open!” How museums of South Tyrol have dealt with Covid-19 communication. In S. M. Maci & M. McGlashan (Eds.), Critical discourse studies and the (new?) normal: Analysing discourse in times of crisis (pp. 165–189). Peter Lang.
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Maci, S.M. (2024) Plagiarism, Fraud, Retracted Papers, and Ethics in the Post-Pandemic Era. The State of the Art. In Tessuto, Girolamo & Caraglia, Michele. Framing Ethics and Plagiarism in Medical Research Writing and Publishing, Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 1-5275-6311-1
Maci, S.M.; McGlashan, M. (2024) Norms and normalities in discourse analysis: An introduction. In Maci, S.M. & McGlashan, M. (Eds.). New norms and new Normalities. Approaches to (Critical) Discourse Analysis. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 1-15.
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Manca, E. (2024). Patterns and perspectives in the language of Italian and British walking holidays. In I. Durán and L. Jiménez (Eds.) Profiling the language of adventure tourism. Peter Lang, 185-209.
Manca, E. (forthcoming) Social media and online informal learning of English. University language students’ preferences, attitudes and perceptions. Special issue of Lingue e Linguaggi, M. Pavesi and F. Bianchi (Eds.) “In the Presence of English”: Informal English Language Learning in Italy. Lingue e Linguaggi, Special issue.
Manca, E. (forthcoming). Social media, promotion and translation: advertising destinations on Facebook. Special issue of Translation Studies in Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, S. Bernardini and F. Gaspari (Eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
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Sperti, S. (forthcoming 2024). Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and Language Teaching: insights into teachers’ challenges and needs from Continuous Professional Development. In S. Karpava (Ed.) Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Language Education, Springer Nature.
Sperti, S. (forthcoming 2024). Variation in the English lexicon in educational contexts: in-vestigating conversational dimensions in computer-mediated ELF interactions. In M. Bondi & S. Cacchiani (Eds.) Language variation: Perspectives on lexis and phraseology, Status Quaestionis.
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