Dino Selvaggi is currently an English Language Research Assistant at the Department of Pharmacy and Health and Nutritional Sciences of the University of Calabria. He holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Calabria and was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Edinburgh (2015) and at the University “Juraj Dobrila” of Pula (2014). His research interests are mainly in the field of language variation with a particular focus on the socio-psycholinguistic aspects of codeswitching, plurilingualism and language policy. His research has led to a new integrated model of analysing plurilingual code-switching in natural/spontaneous speech acts in majority and minority contexts, and also in neo-plurilingual contexts where English is deployed. Part of his research is also conducted on more controlled forms of speech and writing, as well as on the near-native forms of Italian in minority contexts with a specific focus on the evolution of contemporary spoken Italian. He has contributed to national and international conferences and is the author and co-author of a number of publications.  His most recent monograph is entitled Plurilingual Code-Switching between Standard and Local Varieties: A Socio-Psycholinguistic Approach (Peter Lang, 2018).